Recently added: Taoyuan Train Station Prayer Room

Posted on: Taiwan Halal / By Faisal Fahmi / Editor Faisal Fahmi / 2016-07-24 09:24:24 / 1569 Views

Recently added: Taoyuan Train Station Prayer Room

See the map and complete information on Taiwan Halal here.
Lihat peta dan informasi lengkap disini.

Address: 1 Zhongzheng Rd, Taoyuan, Taoyuan City. Taiwan.
Address in chinese: 桃園市桃園区武陵里中正路1号
phone: 033767050 (officer)

Operational Time : 08.00 - 21.00

Lokasi berada di dalan area stasiun, tepatnya depan Kantor Polisi Stasiun Taoyuan lantai 1. Atau lokasi berada di bawah Starbucks Coffee Lt. 2 (Dari loket utama masuk platform kereta arah kiri untuk turun menuju ke 1).

*Location is in the front of Police Office.

Untuk masuk musholla harus menghubungi petugas/karyawan stasiun, karena musholla ini dikunci.
Cara menghubungi petugas ada 2:
1. Telp ke 033767050
2. Datang langsung ke karyawan stasiun di Passanger Service Center yg berlokasi sebelah kanan loket utama masuk ke platform kereta.

*Call the officer (033767050) to open the room or go to Passanger Service Center if the room locked.

Photo by Muhammadiyah Taiwan (Edited)

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Whoever is offered an apology from a fellow Muslim should accept it unless he knows that the person apologizing is being dishonest (Hadith no. 5052, Mishkat al Tabrizi, Vol 3)

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